Created by J.K Rowling, this seven-installment-series rose to become the most successful book series ever penned. As of 2015, the books have sold more than 450 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 73 languages. After years of personal struggle and living on state benefits, Rowling released the first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” in 1997, and soon became one of the richest and most influential women in the U.K. The Harry Potter Film series also became the most successful film series till date. The seven books casted a magical spell over millions of kids across the globe and till today, years after the seventh installment, the Potter mania continues. While most Potter fans would have covered the books dozens of times, these are little facts that must have slipped without your notice. Think you know everything about the series? Time to start reminiscing the good old days as these facts will take you by surprise.
1. The Birthday Of Fred And George
The Pranksters of Hogwarts, the Weasley twins who own the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley were born on April 1st, which is also April fool’s day. Sound legit doesn’t it!!

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2. What’s Dumbledore’s Full Name?
Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore. Dumbledore is an old English word for Bumblebee, Albus means “white” in Latin, Wulfric the name of a 12th century saint who was moved and became holy after seeing a homeless man on the street, Percival was a knight at the Round table of King Arthur and Brain is a Celtic name meaning “strong.” Put them all together and they describe the nature of Hogwarts’s headmaster perfectly.

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3. Grindelwald = Hitler?
The childhood friend of Dumbledore who became an evil wizard was ended by his best friend Dumbledore, in 1945, in what was called the war of the wizards, the same time as the Second World War. The end of Grindelwald is the same time Hitler died.

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4. Who hitched Who?
Harry married Ron’s sister Ginny Weasley. They had three children called James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna while Hermione married Ron and have two children called Hugo and Rose.

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5. The Oldest Student
Shirley Henderson, aged 37, was the oldest to play a student in the Harry Potter Series. She played the part of the ghost called Mourning Myrtle in the Chamber of Secrets.

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6. JKR= Hermione?
Author JK. Rowling based the character of Hermione after herself. She reproduced her characteristics and traits in 11-year-old Hermione and even made her patronus an otter, which his JK. Rowling’s favorite animal.

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7. The Billionaire Author
J.K Rowling became the first author to become a billionaire. She was featured in the Forbes list as one of the most influential billionaires but was off the list the very next year as she had given away half her fortune to charity.

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8. Their Signature Departure
Both of Hogwarts’s biggest pranksters Sirius Black and Fred Weasley died laughing.

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9. So What’s Does The Hogwarts Logo Mean?
The Hogwarts motto is “Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus,” which means “Never Tickle A Sleeping dragon.” I seriously doubt Harry paid attention to that though.

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10. Smack In The Face
Professor Quirrel in the Sorcerer’s stone was first seen with a turban, concealed within was the dark Lord Voldemort. The prankster twins Fred and George Weasley bewitched snowballs to hit the back of the turban. Little did they know that they were smacking the Dark Lord in the face with their little prank.

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11. Professor McGonagall
Professor McGonagall was married to her former boss who was in the Ministry Of Magic. She also was an excellent Quidditch player.

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12. The Patronus Charm
The Patronus Charm Expecto Patronum literally translates to “I await a guardian” in Latin.

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13. The Death Of The Dark Lord
The Dark Lord Voldemort died on May 2nd, 1998, when he was 71-years-old.

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14. Dobby
The first and last words of Dobby- the house elf, in the series was “Harry Potter.”

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15. So Why King’s Cross?
The platform 9 ¾ in King’s Cross was the start of the magical journey for all wizards, it was also the place author J.K Rowling’s parents first met and fell in love.

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16. The Master Of Death?
Harry Potter is the only wizard to have survived all three Unforgivable curses. The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra), Cruciatus Curse (Crucio), and the Imperius Curse (Imperio).

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17. Dementors
The nature of the dementors and the effect they had on people was based on the depression faced by Rowling when she was in her 20’s.

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18. Forget Harry, But Why Did Snape Hate Neville?
If not for Harry, Neville could have been the chosen one, which meant the love of Snape’s life, Lilly Potter, would have survived.

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19. Richard Harris= Dumbledore
This famous Superstar Richard Harris only took the role of Dumbledore because his Granddaughter coaxed him into doing so. She threatened to never to talk to him if he does not accept the role. Harris died just before the premier of Chamber of Secrets at the age of 72.

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20. Herpo The Fowl
This Wizard from ancient Greece was the first ever to create a horcrux and also breed a basilisk.

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21. The Marauder’s Map
This map that helped Harry sneak around Hogwarts was locked and kept away by him until his oldest son James Sirius Potter stole it while he was at Hogwarts.

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22. The Tale Of Luna
Evanna Lynch, then a little girl was gravely disappointed as she was hospitalized the same time the “Order of the Phoenix” book was released. The hospital allowed her to be discharged for a few hours and the local bookstore arranged for her to have an autographed copy after hearing her story. She showed up wearing a Harry Potter T-shirt, blue nail polish that had “Harry Potter” on one and a Golden Snitch on the other. She also had painted on Harry Potter glasses and had written “I love Harry Potter” written down on her arms. Rowling heard of the story of this little girl and promised her that if she overcomes her battle with anorexia she could star in one of the films. The girl did as said and became the face of Luna Lovegood.

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23. Platform 9 ¾
This platform was not the only passage to the wizard World, in fact, Platform 7 ½ led wizards to the Orient Express.

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24. The Headmaster’s Portrait
Snape’s portrait was initially never installed in this elite wall of greats but Harry insisted that he too should share the honor of being one of the headmaster’s of Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall became the headmaster of Hogwarts after the battle that saw the end of the Dark Lord.

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25. Intimate? Not So!!
During the steamy scene shared between Harry and Hermione during the Deathly Hallows, Ron a.k.a. Rupert Grint had to be exited from the sets as he made them uncomfortable with his hysterical laughter through the intimate scene.