Celebrity fashion designer, Coco chanel once quipped, “There are people who have money and people who are rich.” I fall into neither of the two categories, preferring most often to bargain on a shopping trip and get a good deal for the cheapest price possible. There are of course those who have the money, spend sensibly and save the rest for a rainy day. Then there are others—the ones classified as rich—who find pleasure in paying a hefty amount even for a bizarre item of their choice. The thing might even be useless, but such people would still go ahead and spend on it just because they have the money. Think about it, what else are they going to spend all their wealth on? Starting from cell phones, bikes, and yachts to hair, tooth and human lives, they seem to stop at nothing. Oh! And don’t forget the excessive love for their animals. If you are interested in knowing what some of the most outlandish obsessions the affluent like to splurge on, then you might enjoy reading about 25 crazy things rich people bought just because they could.
1. Elvis Presley’s Lock Of Hair
Of all the things to buy, “King of Rock and Roll” Elvis Presley’s lock of hair was sold by his barber, Homer Gill Gilleland for a whopping $115,000 in 2002, at an online auction.

Photo Credit:http://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/09/showbiz/gallery/celebrity-auctions/
2. Cellular Phone Made Of Gold
A model of the iPhone 5, made of 26-carat black diamond, 24-carat gold and 600 precious gems, was built by British jewelry designer, Stuart Hughes. This high-end cellular phone sold for $16,764,000. Phone manufacturers, Samsung and HTC aren’t far behind, and both are taking the gold obsession to a whole new level.

Photo Credit:http://gadgets.ndtv.com/photos/ten-most-expensive-smartphones-you-ll-probably-never-buy-17842
3. Golden Motorcycle
Famous Danish engineering firm, Lauge Jensen customized a motorcycle named Goldfinger, which was purchased for as high as $850,000. Now you might be wondering what’s so special about it. Nothing unusual, except that it is 24-carat gold plated and studded with 250 diamonds. Oh, and its seat has been crafted out of crocodile skin. Speaking of two-wheelers, Goldgenie, a popular manufacturing company, revamped a racing bike with a whole new layer of 24-carat gold. This exquisite bike has been purchased by quite a few people for a ginormous $500,000. Just wondering if this bike could fly…

Photo Credit:https://rideapart.com/articles/lauge-jensen-worlds-expensive-motorcycle

Photo Credit:http://www.goldgenie.com/es/gold-racing-bike.php
4. Gold Monopoly
Monopoly is a popular board game that deals with buying and selling. For those rich people who spend their time playing this game, San Francisco designer, Sidney Mobell created a version of the favorite pastime, in 1988, using 18-carat gold and jewels worth 2 million dollars.

Photo Credit:https://nyresidenttourist.wordpress.com/2010/12/07/it-all-comes-down-to-the/
5. $1.3 Million Worth Surfboard
Those who are surfing enthusiasts would usually recognize Roy Stuart, the one who makes surfboards. Of all those expensive creations that are accredited to his name, The Rampant steals the show. The world’s most expensive surfboard, which sells for a staggering $1.3 million is made of wood from the Paulownia tree, and contains an emblem of a lion that is made from 23-carat gold.

Photo Credit:http://otomecupcakes.blogspot.in/2014/10/sessao-curiosidades-2.html
6. Clothes Made Of Gold
Whether it is the £14,000 shirt purchased by Indian politician Datta Phuge, or the £127,000 worth garment commissioned by textile magnate Pankaj Parakh, we just learn one lesson—for rich men, gold is the in-thing.

Photo Credit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2257209/Wealthy-Indian-Datta-Phuge-spends-14-000-shirt-GOLD-impress-ladies.html
7. The Life Of Ian Usher
If you think you’ve already seen enough of the bizarre consumer behavior displayed the aristocrats, stop right there! Have you ever heard of someone wanting to sell their own lives? Ian Usher, an English traveler, put up his life for sale on eBay, after a depressing separation from his wife, in 2008. More surprises, someone actually took up his offer, paying him $300,000 for his job, his house and all other possessions. With the money he earned, Usher bought an island in the Caribbean and has started a new life now. Wonder when he’s going to try selling that too.

Photo Credit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2129563/So-REALLY-happened-man-auctioned-life-eBay-wife-left-him.html
8. White Truffle Pizza
Granted, Gordon Ramsay’s a world class chef, but paying $178 for a pizza?? Available at Maze, owned by this British celebrity restaurateur, the White Truffle Pizza, is the world’s most expensive one. Well no, the toppings aren’t made from edible gold; it’s just onion puree, pancetta, mushrooms, Italian white truffle (that’s very rare, mind it), wild mizuna lettuce and two kinds of expensive cheese. Thank god, for Domino’s!

Photo Credit: http://www.topcount.co/21-of-the-most-expensive-things-in-the-world-till-today/
9. Balloon Dog
There are quite a few of us who love artistic talent. Though we may not be able to create art, we do love patronizing those who can. However, it goes out of hand when someone agrees to pay millions for a balloon; you know those animal balloons sold on beaches? An orange balloon dog, created by artist Jeff Koons was sold to a certain Peter Brant for $58.4 million!

Photo Credit:http://www.art21.org/texts/jeff-koons/activity-thematic-technology-and-process
10. John Lennon’s Tooth
Occasionally, our passion for something defies all logic and one such Beatles enthusiast spent about $31,200 to purchase John Lennon’s tooth that was in the safe-keeping of the singer’s former housekeeper, Dot Jarlett.

Photo Credit:http://tsminteractive.com/john-lennon-tooth-auction/
11. World’s Costliest Cocktail
Gigi’s is a well-known fine dining restaurant in London, which shot to fame after they prepared a cocktail for actress Grace Jones, using expensive ingredients such as a 1990 Vintage Cristal, an 1888 Samalens Vieille Relique Vintage Bas Armagnac brandy, Angostura Bitters and gold leaf. People buy this drink for a humongous price of £9,000 per glass! This has to be one of those crazy things that rich people bought just because they could.

Photo Credit:http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/9k-worlds-most-expensive-cocktail-4331931
12. Gold Rucksack
Billionaire Boys Club released a limited edition of a rucksack made from gold, in 2009. The bag that’s sold for $1650 per piece contains the dollar and the diamond symbols all over its body.

Photo Credit:http://reviewproductapp.tk/bbc-gold-photo-bbc-gold-rucksack-02-jpg
13. Luxury Ice Cubes
Can you imagine someone burning a hole in their pocket just for some ice cubes? While I absolutely cannot think of the horrifying expense, there are those with excess money who are ready to pay $325 for a Gläce Luxury Ice Co. bag containing 50 ice cubes, just because they are perfectly square with “minimum dilution and maximum cooling”.

Photo Credit:http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/worlds-most-expensive-luxury-ice-4934855
14. Armor Made For Guinea Pigs
I am super-possessive about my pets, but I can’t imagine going to the extent of paying through my nose just to get a suit for my guinea pig that he is not comfortable in. An armor, specially crafted for those cute little creatures was sold at an auction for the insane price of $24,300.

Photo Credit:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/26/guinea-pig-armor-sold_n_3503668.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in
15. A Kiss From Sharon Stone
We are all fascinated with our favorite celebrities, but shelling out a huge sum of money to share a moment with them seems a bit too absurd. Crazy fan Joni Rimm did exactly that, when paid $50,000 to steal a 45 second kiss from her idol Sharon Stone.

Photo Credit:http://www.blesk.cz/galerie/pro-zeny-vip/283051/
16. Diamond Dog Collar& Bathtub
Speaking of our crazy love for pets, I Love Dogs Diamonds created a collar for our beloved furry friends, which was priced at $3.2 million. This neckpiece contains three tiers of 1600 diamonds. A diamond bathtub costing $39,000, designed by Lori Gardiner, had also made news because of the 45,000 Swarovski crystals it was made up of.

Photo Credit:http://www.luxury-insider.com/luxury-news/2013/07/amour-amour-worlds-most-expensive-dog-collar

Photo Credit:http://www.businessinsider.sg/born-rich-website-for-rich-people-2015-3/#.VhYq8uyqqko
17. Martian Rock
In 2003, when a piece of rock dropped on the surface of the Earth, all the way from Mars, it was put up for an online auction. The bidding was successful, and the rock was sold for a stunning $450,000, since such specimens from the Red Planet are quite rare to come by. However, I am still thinking if it’s worth all the trouble for something that’s just going to lie around in the house.

Photo Credit:http://thechive.com/2015/10/06/a-few-ridiculous-items-purchased-by-wealthy-people-because-frankly-well-they-could-25-photos/#.bjarjd:orNg
18. Bridgeville Town
Of all the things one could purchase to make his dreams come true, a rich (but crazy) man went ahead and paid 1.77 million dollars for a whole town! Yes, you read that right, Bridgeville in California was sold to this man at an eBay auction held in 2002.

Photo Credit:http://www.lolwot.com/20-most-ridiculously-expensive-items-sold-through-ebay/3/
19. Crystal-Covered Computer Mouse
A computer mouse is essential for those who own a PC at home, and it doesn’t really cost much. However, for some aristocrats, even this basic item could mean luxury. To prove the fact, a mouse encrusted with Swarovski crystals and white Austrian strass sells for an extravagant 34,000 dollars.

Photo Credit:http://thechive.com/2015/10/06/a-few-ridiculous-items-purchased-by-wealthy-people-because-frankly-well-they-could-25-photos/#.bjarjd:sTnS
20. Extinct Huia Bird Feather
Extinct animal remains are considered collectibles by many, but in 2010, a New Zealand family crossed all limits when they shelled out $8,400 at Auckland’s Webb’s Auction House for a single feather of the Huia Bird.

Photo Credit:https://lottostar.co.za/blog/top-10-intriguing-items-that-only-the-wealthy-can-/
21. Lunch With Warren Buffet
If you love money, what better way to spend your wealth on one lunch date with billionaire business tycoon Warren Buffett? In 2010, a fan spent $2.6 million just to have a special meal with the famous personality. Now I just wonder if they had the à la carte or the buffet.

Photo Credit:http://www.nydailynews.com/news/money/lunch-warren-buffett-costs-3-5-million-article-1.1092586
22. Albert Einstein’s God Letter
Albert Einstein once wrote a letter to Jewish thinker, Erik Gutkind, dealing with his ideas on God and religion. In 2012, this small piece of handwritten paper was bought for an insane price of 3 million dollars.

Photo Credit:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/24/einstein-god-letter-sold-for-just-over-3-million-anonymous-buyer_n_2012282.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in
23. Action Comics #1
I have seen quite a few action comic addicts, but one such nutty guy bought a mint copy of Action Comics #1 for $3.2 million. The collectible item was published in 1938 and shows many superheroes, including Superman.

Photo Credit:http://www.scpr.org/blogs/newmedia/2014/10/25/17472/you-can-read-a-pristine-3-2-million-copy-of-action/
24. Gigayacht
In 2006, a Russian billionaire proved that he was out of his mind, when he paid a whopping $168 million for a 400 feet long gigayacht that housed two VIP suites, a spa, a helicopter pad, a movie theatre and numerous guest rooms. Now that’s an extravagant spend, don’t you think so?

Photo Credit:On Image
25. Gold Toilet
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah decided to surprise his daughter by gifting a toilet (of all things) made completely out of gold. The daughter wore a bridal dress that cost $3,00,00,000. Though the price of the toilet hasn’t been disclosed, we do know that it would be worth millions. I mean is it really necessary considering the fact that nothing clean is ever going to go in there?

Photo Credit:http://indiatoday.intoday.in/gallery/gold-toilet-gifted-by-arab-king-to-daughter/1/13125.html