“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers”, was what Rudyard Kipling quoted. Every word of the statement resonate truth as mothers are true blessing from God. A mother exists because of her child and it is the foundation of her being. The moment a woman is blessed with motherhood, her life takes a huge turn forever. Being a mother not only brings biological changes but it gives a woman a new avatar. She is forgetful of everything, even her own self, but her child. A mother’s world is all about her child and she never fails to put in her best to be the best mom. There are hurdles and difficulties a mother encounters but she gains the courage and confident to overcome all those soon after she becomes a mother. More often children do not realize the depth of love and care their mother have for them. They are ignorant of the blessing they got and mothers too never tell their children what it takes to be a mom. She quietly does her part without even thinking if anyone will recognize the sacrifices she made and in doing so she achieves immense contentment. There were times when she could have cried, complained or given up, but she never did. But there are certain things your mom never told you. Wonder what are those? Read on.
1. Her Eyes Were Moist
Right from the time she conceived you, she cried. She shed tears realizing that she was going to be a mother; she cried seeing you for the first time; her eyes were moist when she first touched you; she cried at many other occasions, but these were tears of joy. Being your mother was one of the greatest gifts she got and she is ever thankful for that.
2. She Is Aware Of Her Flaws
She has tried her level best to be a perfectionist when it came to motherhood and she is still trying. However, to err is to human and considering our moms superwoman, we sometimes forget that she too is a human being and she has the right to be wrong. The time she turned aside and you tripped off, trust me, she has not forgiven herself for that till date. Even today she wishes she was little more careful and saved you from hurting your knee.

Photo Credit: http://dnpr.com.ua/content/v-dnepropetrovske-mozhno-besplatno-vylechit-besplodie
3. She Too Has Some Fears
She has been a strong woman all her life when it comes to you, she is struck with fears, which are at times unfounded, but she is frightened thinking about your safety. When you took your first step, her heart pounded and she was there to hold you, just in case you fall. When someone else held you in their arms, she feared that you could be hurt. When you were busy playing with your dad those hopping and jumping games, she stood close by, worrying about you and you tender body.

Photo Credit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/9280304/Single-mums-must-look-for-work-or-face-losing-benefits.html
4. It Was Painful
While playing with her you grabbed her nose, pulled her hair, scratched her face; it all hurt but she never got angry with you. When she fed you, you bit her and she endured it all with a smile.She would run after you to feed you each morsel of food and even if her legs hurt, she never stopped until she stuffed your tummy. She would starve if you did not eat and ate only after you did. She never complained because she knew you are answered prayer and it is her responsibility to take care of you.

Photo Credit: On the Image
5. She Sacrificed
There are many things she loves to do but if that choice comes in between you and her, she would sacrifice it all for your sake.Chocolates, cake, ice-cream, she loves them all but if these are your favourites too, then she would make sure that you get the greater share, and sometimes even the whole of it. She loves to watch television shows, but if the timing coincides with your preferred cartoon show, or any other show, she never tuned into her favourite program. She is the personification of sacrifice which probably you never realized.

Photo Credit: http://lukapu.com/blog/iyi-bir-ebeveyn-olmanin-8-altin-kurali.html
6. She Carried You For Longer Than You Think
You think she carried you for only nine months, but you will never know that she has been carrying you even after that. Her lap was made to accommodate you, her arms were the cradle you desired and her shoulders were always available to be your pillow. Eversince your birth, she has been your shadow and never left you alone even when she was not around. You surround her thoughts and every now and then she would check on you to make sure you are fine.

Photo Credit: http://365jilu.com/groups/%E5%84%BF%E7%A7%91/44/tip/8269
7. She Turned Insomniac
She would take you in her arms and sing lullaby to make you fall asleep, and even after the whole day’s errands, her lullabies would still sound mesmerizing. However, after a short sleep, you would wake up and not sleep for hours, and all though this time she would try to lull you back to sleep. She would walk through the house holding you in her arms; she would sing all the songs she learnt throughout her life; and she would try all that she knew, to make you sleep, but never give up. And once she is successful in doing that, she would glance at the clock and it was already 4 AM. In all that singing and cradling she had forgone her sleep. You cannot even count how many sleepless nights she has spent, but her it never mattered as long as you had a peaceful night.

Photo Credit: http://www.energymuse.com/blog/carving-out-sacred-space-time-with-your-new-baby/
8. She shed Tears When You Did
There were many events when you cried; you cried when you hurt yourself; you cried when you were scolded; you also cried when you were denied of something you wanted, and each time, your mom too cried with you. She might have scolded you, but when you shed those tears, it pierced her heart and she would grab you and hug you tight with moist eyes. All you wanted then was your mom and even today when you are hurt, your mom is the first person to come to your mind, a person with whom you find solace.

Photo Credit: http://respectwomen.co.in/the-mother-child-connect/
9. You Are Her Priority
No matter what, she always put you first. If you have been observant enough, you too will agree with this, as her priorities did not change and it never will. She forgot herself to fulfil your needs; she forgot that she has a life of her own because from the time she conceived you, you became her world around which her life revolved. When you ate, it satiated her hunger; when you slept, she was drained off exhaustion. She let go of many things like her social life, just to see you grow. The first time you called her mom; first time you touched her cheeks and looked at her with your tiny little eyes, are some of the most cherished moments of her life.

Photo Credit: http://www.momsbliss.com/6-practical-parenting-tips-for-single-moms/
10. The Story Never Ended
Now that you are grown up, you know how to walk; you learnt how to feed yourself, you might even know to cook. The situation might have changed, but the emotions are still the same. Your mom is always by your side, and when life confronts you with challenging circumstances, you can be sure that you will not have to face them alone. Your mom is there to make you strong and hold you when you fall to comfort you. She can be your best friend and the most trustworthy confidant. If you did not realize it yet, being a mother is not easy, and it is only a mother who can take up the responsibilityand accomplish it with a smile on their face.This lady in your life has gone extra miles to become your mother in the true sense of the term and deserves a word of gratitude. If you have not thanked her yet, go ahead and do it.

Photo Credit: http://www.pinla.com/index/newsshow/191.html